My Life Is In Your Hands

Friday, April 9, 2010

Right Song, Wrong Side

A few years ago I heard a sermon called "Right Song, Wrong Side. It was a message concerning the Israelites Moses led out of Egypt. They sang songs of worship and praise to God when they reached the other side of the Red Sea. I find myself still doing that today. I try to always be conscience of thanking God when I have a good outcome but tend to forget to thank HIM during the process. In Comp 2 there were some obstacles and concerns I thought I would not be able to overcome or understand. But at the end God saw me through and that, by and with the help of my professor, Dr. M and my very supportive classmates. Thank you all and I hope the words of the song of the attached video can inspire you a bit for your next classes or even in whatever you may be facing today or tomorrow. Lets sing the right song on every side. God bless you and continued success to you all.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The reason I can lift my hands.....

The reason I added the video song by Kurt Carr was because these past few weeks the fact that this class was coming to a close and our final project was due (how time flies) I found myself fretting and uneasy, which mostly happens to me towards the end of classes. Well I am a person who believes in the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. And in my time of devotional I just asked my Lord that I was feeling down and uneasy. And I have experienced that God always answers a question given to Him. Sometimes it's a yes or sometimes it's a no, but He always answers. Well anyway... I like to listen to music while I'm on the computer and I don't always listen to "christian" music I must add. But nothing over the top either, more classic R&B, ballads, and some house music, that's what I grew up on. So it's been sometime since I've opened up youtube. I open youtube and I forgot I had made some playlists some time ago. While I'm doing this I have the paper for Comp 2 in front of me and I'm ready to re-do or fix my errors. When I open up when I click the playlist the first song is Lift Up Your Hands In The Sanctuary. The song struck me as God letting me know not to worry or concern myself so much in anything that it would take my joy or worship of Him away. And just knowing that gave me the reason to lift my hands and my voice to Him, the reason.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm thankful for what I've learned...........

With my paper almost done I can honestly say that I do feel nervous, accomplished, and tired if that can be possible. Nervous because that’s the usual feeling I’ve gotten at the end of each term/class since getting back to school. Accomplished because of the practices and lessons I have learned throughout this class. Tired because of the schedule juggling or time management skills that is needed to accomplish not being nervous, lol. I feel I have learned more about writing professionally and knowing and understanding the difference between an informative essay and a scientific research paper. With that said, my idea(s) of writing has changed. Haven taken Comp 1 I adjusted my mindset to be open to learning new methods in writing in Comp 2. Having better acceptance of having my writing reviewed by my peers was challenging but also allowed me to see the changes I needed to make not only in my paper but in my attitude. Allowing my peers’ comments direct me or assist me towards the direction in which my paper would amount to one with a professional quality to it, and not just a quantity of words, was helpful in my growth as an academic writer, which can and will improve as I move forward in school and the workforce.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Another tragic story of teen suicide. For those who are writing about deppression I would like to lead you to the story of 15 year old Phoebe Prince of Massachusettes. She was being bullied over and over and over again by classmates or schoolmates in an unstoppable manner. The case is still being investigated but just hearing of such a thing outrages me. As a parent of two children I try to be fully involved in the lives of my children. Not to say that her parents were not but I try to look at lessons that can be learned through others adversities so that I don't suffer something like this. Its remarkable that no one, after such a long period of time this young child was being tormented, stood up and spoke on her behalf or allowed it to get to this point. I appeal to you who are parents to communicate with your children and be involved with all whom they come in contact with. This should never had happened and I can only feel sorry for her and her family. What type of torment and emotional abuse drive such a beautiful and aspiring young child to commit such and act. May she have found the peace she so sought after here on earth. God bless her soul and may He comfort her family during this sorrowful time.